
Make the Magic Happen
Magic Valley Youth Orchestra welcomes dedicated parent volunteers to help with the many tasks involved in supporting our young musicians and generous music professionals. We believe that many willing parents not only make the tasks lighter and friendlier but will help Magic Valley Youth Orchestra match the growth of our community. Please consider helping us with the following needs:
Practice Committee - Parents are needed to help encourage our young musicians to practice outside of rehearsals through incentives and reporting. Regular practice helps our musicians progress in their personal musical skills and allows us continue to select challenging and exciting music.
Concert Committee – Parents are needed to help arrange seating between numbers on Concert Day.
Concert Day Pizza and Lunch - Concert days are filled with each ensemble scheduling dress rehearsals on stage. Parents provide pizza, salad, cookies and water to keep our musicians, coaches and conductors in top performance shape. Parents may volunteer through donations, reimbursed purchases and/or serving lunch. It's a great way to get to know the many faces of Magic Valley Youth Orchestra.
Registration Day Donuts - Parents help provide and serve donuts on registration day.
Attendance – Parents are needed to manage attendance by their own innovative ideas. Musicians may check in as they arrive or parents may record attendance online. Coaches and conductors are able to better meet the needs of our young musicians with this information available.
Rehearsal Set-up – Parents may accompany their young musicians by arriving at 8:30 to set up chairs and stands for rehearsal. Our sessions are brief and every minute of rehearsal time is well used.
Publicity Committee – Parents help distribute posters for concerts throughout the community. Parents may inform newspapers, CSI and First Federal Reader Boards, and TV stations, radio stations, and any other promotional venues about the concerts. This needs to be done two weeks in advance of the performances.
Social Media Coordinator - Magic Valley Youth Orchestra is now on Facebook and Instagram. Parents are needed to keep us visible and connected.
Sponsors and Fundraising – Parents are needed to help with donations, sponsors and other methods of supplementing our financial needs. Registration fees only cover about 40% of our operating costs.
Librarians – Parents help collect and organize our growing library of music.
Many thanks to our current and past parent volunteers:
President - Brenda Allen
Vice President - needed
Secretary - needed
Treasurer - Michele Coleman
Parent Volunteer Liaison - Natasha Solomon, assistance needed
Sponsors and Fundraising - Bree Moon and RaNae Anderson
Attendance - needed
Library - Sue Frampton, assistance needed
Graphic Designer - RaNae Anderson
Publicity - Heidi Barfuss, assistance needed
Practice Committee - Lori Coombs and Becky Cress, assistance needed
Social Media Coordinator - needed